One of the Most Common Causes of Lower Back Pain: The Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Lower back pain is a prevalent issue that many people experience at some point in their lives. While there can be various causes of lower back pain, one common culprit is an anterior pelvic tilt, which can be caused by tightness and dysfunction in the hip flexor muscles. As remedial massage therapists, we often work with clients who suffer from …

The Link Between Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Musculoskeletal Health

As professional remedial therapists, we often witness the profound impact that stress, anxiety, and depression can have on our physical well-being, particularly on the musculoskeletal system. In this blog, I’ll delve into the intricate relationship between mental health and physical health, shedding light on how these emotional factors can manifest as physical symptoms and how remedial massage therapy plays a …

Heat or Ice? Which one should I use?

As a remedial therapist, one of the most common questions I get from my patients is whether they should use heat or ice for their injuries or pain. It’s a valid question because both heat and ice can be effective in managing different types of pain and promoting healing. In this blog, I’ll break down the scenarios where heat or …

Does Getting Older Mean That I am Destined to be in Pain?

I hear it time and time again, “Oh, well. That pain is just cause I’m old”, “Don’t get old, it’s just one thing after the other!” Many people believe that they are destined to be in pain when they’re older, or that they can’t do anything about their pain because that’s just the cards you get dealt when you age. …

Sciatica, Sciatic Pain, What is it And How Can We Treat it?

Sciatic pain, or sciatica is probably a term you’ve come across before. But what actually is it? How do I know if I have it? And what can I do to treat it? Well I am here to debunk the mystery around it and reassure you, it’s not always a life-sentence. Some Quick Anatomy for Context To understand what sciatica …

Chronic Pain vs Acute Pain

Have you ever heard the terms “chronic pain” and “acute pain”, and wondered what that actually means and why it’s important? Well I’m here to give you the answers! Chronic pain is when you are in any type of pain, whether that be muscular, nerve, joint, or any other types, for a period of time greater than three months. It …

Does Your Body Have Compensation Patterns?

Have you ever had an injury that seems to have set off a whole heap of other problems? Or do you find all of your ailments are on one side of your body? This could be because of the compensation patterns your body develops in order to cope with a certain injury, posture, or repetitive movement causing fatigue. For example, …